Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Navigation Map


Being able to navigate is one of the most important skills to have.  The world is a large place and in order to get around without getting lost, a person must possess the skill to navigate! Throughout history people have been navigating from using the stars and sun to using a gps in todays day and age.  Besides just a gps or compass, a person will need a map to help assist them in navigating to a place.  This assignment is to create navigation maps for a later time to assist with groups finding their way through the woods. One map will be focused on assisting navigation with a compass and using step counts.  The other map will be focused on assisting GPS navigation.  Each map will contain specific items that make them useful in assisting in gps, or compass navigation.


To create a map that is useful to navigating with a compass, a coordinate system based off of meter must be used.  It would be no use to have coordinates on this map because it will not help a person locate themselves.  Knowing they are "35 meters" from that creek will be useful but not "that creek is at 35.23345 degrees north."  For the first map, A grid will help the user understand distances using meters. This map was created using data provided by Professor Hupy.  First the map and data had to be put into the proper coordinate system and projection.  In this case it was wgs 84 UTM zome 15n.  This allows for the meter grid system.  Once this was done, the proper 11x17 map layout was set and the map was created.  The UTM map shows a grid in meters that will allows the person viewing the map to navigate based off landmarks and distance.

The second map created was similar to the first map except everything was projected into a local coordinate system of NAD_1983_HARN_WISCRS_EauClaire_County_Feet.  This map has a coordinate grid instead of a metered grid.  This allows for the map to have a local coordinate system.  The same procedure was used to create this map.

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